30th Jul 2014

Custom built stands keeping the RedAnt Design factory busy!

Over the last 8 weeks the RedAnt Design factory has manufactured and installed a record number of custom built exhibition stands for our customers. The effort required operating a 24 hour operation and some careful logistical planning as many of the stands were large. This was of course in addition to a busy schedule of modular aluminium stands built across South Africa.

“For impact and creativity many of our clients still specify custom built exhibition stands, however shortened build up periods mean that greater planning and innovative design is required in order to meet the tight deadlines.” Says Heidi Wikberg MD

For example RedAnt Design built a 350m2 exhibition stand for valued clients Amrod at Markex 2012. The stand comprised a central double story entertainment and marketing area, a large display floor for smaller merchandise as well as 6 complete “shops” for the various prestigious clothing brands. With a build up period of 2 ½ days and a high overall spec this project required careful planning.

Also built by RedAnt Design on Markex was a high impact 4meter high stand 90m2 stand for Abelanani.

“I’m happy to report that all our clients on Markex were extremely satisfied with their stands. Customer satisfaction is important to everyone at RedAnt Design and I would like to thank our entire team for their hard work” Says Heidi Wikberg